
16. What's Peggy up to these days? 不知道佩佩现在在干嘛? **聊一聊同学的八卦: 17. Did you hear about Ernie's knee surgery? 你听说了吗?二狗膝盖动手术了。 18. You know who I r...

10. Well, I have a second sight sometimes that tells me what to do. 有时我的预感会告诉我做什么。 11. I'm all run down. 我身体都垮了。 12. I wised up to something funny thes...

Q24. What did the woman say about the man’s driving license? Q25. What was the man’s penalty? 点评: 本长对话主要是关于超速被罚。本对话中涉及到较多交通词汇,有一定难度。对话一开始女士作为交警在学校附近逼停超出该路段限速的男士,但男士狡辩自己的速度计...

and other teachers took time to explain how the experimental station started around 20 years ago with little funding but has grown through the efforts of the teachers and s...

3. What you would want your future college roommate to know about you 你希望你未来的大学室友了解你什么。 4. An intellectual experience (course, project, book, discussion, paper, poetry, or research topic in engineering, mathematics, science or othe...

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